Company ATRAK signed a new contract of international scope

Before the coronary crisis, almost the maximum air capacity was reached. New technologies and approaches must now come so that all passengers can reach their destinations safely and on time. The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR), a technological component of the EU's Single European Sky (SES) initiative, is set to help.

Within the framework of the SESAR project, company ATRAK implements in its ATRAK-AIM SW system communication with Eurocontrol NM (Network Manager) B2B services via SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), which will replace the older AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network) protocol in the future. Thus, FPL (Filed Flight Plan), CHG (Modification of Flight Plan), DLA (Delay), CNL (Flight Plan Cancellation), ARR (Arrival) and DEP (Departure) reports to Eurocontrol will use modern technologies and a standardized AIXM (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model).

Their aim is coordination between air traffic service providers. They are also key to planning the use of airspace, the effectiveness of which has a major impact on the use of this limited natural resource. ATRAK software will help make the sky above the EU clearer.

